This is how you pay rent

You can pay the rent in several different ways. You can read more about the different options below.

E-invoice, or electronic invoice, is sent directly to your Internet bank and when you log in to your bank, you will receive a message about a new e-invoice. By clicking approve, the invoice is paid. If you want to apply or find out more about e-invoicing, contact your bank.

Direct debit
Direct debit is easy. The rent is automatically charged each month from your bank or personal account. You will also receive a rent statement via email so you can check the amount. The rent is charged on the last weekday of the month. You apply for direct debit via your internet bank. Search for Wallenstam. When applying, you must use our bankgiro 5725-5184, which is linked to the direct debit application.

Via bank or internet banking
On your rent invoice you will find your OCR number, which you must enter when you pay via the internet, otherwise it will be difficult to identify who the payment is from. Please note that each monthly invoice has its own, specific OCR number. If you want to receive your rental guide as a pdf via email, contact Customer Service. If you have lost your rental guide, you can find it in our app or on My Pages.

Responsible for always paying the rent on time
It is your responsibility to pay the rent every month, even if for some reason you do not have your invoice. We will send your invoice to the email address you entered when you moved in with us. If you change your email address, you need to notify us of this by emailing The rent, like all other bills, must be paid on time. According to the Rent Act, the rent must be paid in advance, which means the last weekday of the month. Unpaid rents are handed over to debt collection companies, which causes you notices and registration in debtors' registers. Should you repeatedly pay the rent late, you risk being evicted from the apartment.

If you have sub-metering for electricity and water, you can read more here.

It is important to remember that you can pay in different ways, but you can only be invoiced in one way. You can be invoiced via e-invoice or email. You will also find payment details on my pages and in the app.

Wallenstam AB

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