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How can I apply for your apartment?

How do I rent an apatment from you?


  • Hello!

    Thank you for showing an interest in Wallenstam and our appartments.

    Down below you will find information on how to apply to our apartments:

    Gothenburg: Our apartments are distributed through HomeQ and our own queue.
    Stockholm: Our apartments are distributed through bostad.stockholm.se and our own queue.
    Uppsala: Our apartments are distributed through bostad.uppsala.se and our own queue.

    Another possible way to find an apartment is through our new production projects. In Stockholm and Uppsala are 50% of our new produced apartments distributed through our own queue and 50% is distributed through the housing agency in each city, to register in our cost-free queue click here:

    All our new production projects are presented on our website where you also can sign up for e-mail updates about specific projects

    Best of luck!

    Kind regards,
    Lovisa Kundservice
    (Uppdaterad )

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